Advancing the timeline for viable quantum computing by leveraging the capabilities of quantum networks.
The challenge
A powerful quantum computer can handle complex tasks that affect our daily lives, like developing personalized medicine and predicting geography. However, the main challenge is making it scalable, meaning we need to connect many quantum computers to increase their computational power. Currently, we have different types of hardware: some are good at small-scale computation but don't connect well, while others connect nicely but are too slow. Our goal is to create a general-purpose quantum computer software solution that can run a variety of applications and allocate resources based on each component's strengths. This will enable us to efficiently solve real-world problems.
The solution
We aim to utilize various existing quantum computing hardware and develop a software stack that can apply a range of quantum algorithms to small-scale problems. By connecting these hardware units in a network, we hope to solve complex problems that cannot be handled by individual units. Unlike traditional computers, which have one-size-fits-all hardware, we strongly believe that quantum computing requires a more flexible approach with a network of different hardware units working together.